Why Start A Blog | The Most Important 3 Reasons4 min read

Why start a blog?

Welcome to my small sliver of the World Wide Web.

I don’t claim to know more about money than you do. In fact, you may have more knowledge than me in over 99% of the field of economics, but if I can at least teach you one single new thing (i.e. The motto on the first US coin was “Mind Your Business”), then I feel I’ve accomplished my goal.

Money is taboo. Nobody wants to tell other people what they make, and even worse is that most people don’t even know how much they spend. Everyone around me just seems resigned to working until 65.

Jason Bateman’s opening monologue from the pilot episode of the hit Netflix TV Series Ozark absolutely shocked me:

“Half of all American adults have more credit card debt than savings. Twenty-five percent have no savings at all. And only 15 percent of the population is on track to fund even 1 year of retirement… Money is, at its essence… The measure of a man’s choices.”

The Internet is vast place filled with tons and tons of endless information – yet, somehow, the humans you talk with every day don’t seem to reflect this phenomenon.

We all know that one person who loves to talk, but has nothing of substance to say:

“Shallow brooks babble loudest, but still waters run deep.”

A United States President said another variation of this when he originated the phrase,

“Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.”

-Theodore Roosevelt, 26th U.S. President

My friends and family may know me as that quiet guy, but this is only because I enjoy listening more than speaking. This is my time to use my countless years and years of absorbing new concepts and formulating them into coherent thoughts for you to practically implement in your day-to-day life.

Do More Bloggin

Why Start A Blog? – The 3 Most Important Reasons

There are about 1,000 different reasons to create a blog, and each reason has varying importance depending on each person. Personally, these are my 3 paramount motives:

1. Legacy

No one lives forever. At least, for now… Last time I checked, humanity has yet to solve the mortality problem. This simple idea is the main driving motivation behind this steam engine of a blog, chugging along the uphill railroad tracks. The goal of Fresh Life Advice is to assist you with taking control of your money by increasing your savings and reducing your spending. FLA will encourage you and help you along your journey to financial independence. I plan to give readers a better understanding of his or her personal finances. FLA is here to show that the big world of Wall Street and intricate investing terms aren’t that complicated after all. This brings me to my next reason to start a blog…

2. Help Others

Again, what is the point of all of this money earned if you can’t enjoy it with others? Everyone may have his or her own internal purpose in life, but many believe the overarching theme is compassion towards others.

“At some point, you recognize the reason we are all here is to help someone else. That is the sole reason we are here. Once you get that in your head, life gets so much simpler. It gets so much simpler.”

-Tim Cook, Chief Executive Officer of Apple

3. Creative Outlet

As an engineer by day, I find my 9 to 5 filled with stringent guidelines, methodical calculations, and analysis that must free from errors.  As enjoyable as it is to know that I’m designing new real-world applications and ensuring the world is a safer place, it can often be mentally taxing. That is why we all need some sort of creative outlet.

Starting a blog seems to be the perfect solution to this conundrum. Not only do I receive a channel for the left side of my brain but I also am in a position to explore other hobbies, such as personal finance.


And of course, there is the undeniable financial motivation. You can’t avoid how tempting the additional income may seem. Not only is additional income, but at its very core, blogging is passive income.

Money is everywhere, and those who are willing to get a little creative and find new sources of income will reap the rewards. Everyone has some skill or motivation that makes them valuable. Find yours to figure out why you should start a blog.

Together, you and I will take the road less traveled, pioneer our way to retire early, and attain financial independence.

Today, more than ever, there seems to be endless advice and information, but there is only one place that will provide you with Fresh Life Advice. Welcome.


Thank You!

As the first blog post on this website, I would like to thank you for reading, existing, and supporting Fresh Life Advice. This would not be possible without you.

Please also share this guide with any of the people in your circle who may benefit from it. My goal is to help as many people as possible on their financial journey.

Just think. If millions of others can successfully launch blogs, then so can you! Go out there and take action!


Are you thinking of starting your own blog? Grab FLA’s COMPLETE Step-By-Step Guide To Starting a Successful Blog and take complete control of your finances today!

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3 thoughts on “Why Start A Blog | The Most Important 3 Reasons<span class="wtr-time-wrap block after-title">4 min read</span>”

  1. "But this is only because I enjoy listening more than speaking"

    Such an important skill to have. My friends and family would say the same thing about me. I prefer to speak to people who actually want to listen, a blog is a good way to make that happen.

    I can second the creative outlet. My world of finance sounds a lot like your world of engineering. The blog is a great creative release.

    Welcome to the club! Let me know if you need anything.



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